5 Best Self Understanding | Self Study in English (2021)

How to do Self Study?

Friends, no matter how much you do not join school and train, but if you do not study for yourself, you will never pass your exams. Most of the time you should have noticed that even those people get low marks who train them day and night and even when teachers teach at school, they study diligently. But they are not able to get good marks on a test. This happens because they read but do not read for themselves.

What could be the reason for this, the simple reason for this is that they are ignoring Self Study? He is always busy with his training only. But now we are trying to understand here what self-study is. After that, we will talk about how we should do self-study.

What is self-study? What is Self-Study in English

We all learn in school and training but we learn where we are taught but self-study is where we learn for ourselves.

No one can stop or disturb us here. Here we read an article we want to read for ourselves. That and again with perfect discipline. In this case, we answer all those questions. It includes reviewing what has been taught in school and in training.

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Remember, there will definitely be some student in your school who does not go to training and does not go to school well but still passes with good marks in exams and examinations. Why do you think this happened?

This is because those students do not study at school and do not allow you to study but they study at home but you do not study at home and then go home and start playing or going to training and then you do not want to find time to study.

You know that you are the only one who is taught in school and training but if you want to remember all this you will have to make your own study. So let's see how you can do some of your own research. For this, we have some tips here that will make your study better.

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1: Choose a Good Study Time

To make your study more effective, you need to choose the best time for your study. That time can be anything. For example - night, day, or morning - morning. You can choose any of these to read for yourself.

But when you choose this time, you should keep in mind that you should choose the best time you can read. It should not be the case that if you study and feel drowsy, then you will not be able to do an effective study, so you should choose a time when you are unemployed and can keep yourself working.

2: Short-Term Table

Whenever you choose a study time, after that you should make a short timetable for your study. By choosing a time, you cannot go straight to learning anything, and you should not know exactly when to learn and whatnot.

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Today, whatever you want to study on your own, you must know in advance otherwise your time will be limited to choosing only what will be studied.

It is therefore important for you to make a timetable and read it accordingly. Only then will you be able to conduct an effective Entertainment Study.

3: Finish Study Time

You do not have to study it continuously, if you do this then you will be bored at one level. And your ability to learn will be limited.

So, when you make a study timetable, you should write down all of this and how much time you should take to relax. And in that free time, you can spend time with your family or go for a walk.

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Yes, friends, here we are not telling you to rest it means to sleep watching a cell phone or TV while you sleep, but you should do such work that will increase your learning ability.

4: Start Hard

You must first learn a difficult lesson for yourself. Because when you do this, your mind becomes so preoccupied with it that you don't even know how time will pass. And your focus will never be less.

5: Self-control

 As we begin to study, our mind begins to wander, to adjust to new circumstances. And the main reason for this is our mobile.

Whenever we sit down to read, as soon as we hear the announcement of our cell phone, we immediately begin to look at it. And many times, apart from taking a cell phone, we see that there is no What App message from anyone, or how many popular things have been written on the pic on FB and they don’t know what it is.

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Now about this, you should all be told that you have to turn off your phone or put the phone in airplane mode and much more but friends will not tell you this at all.

I want to tell you that you have to learn self-control because you will not be able to control yourself, then you can also open that closed mobile. But if you have self-control

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