How do computers run? (In English) 2021

Do you have to learn to operate a computer, you must have a basic understanding of computer, why must you know how to type in a computer? You must have faced many such questions in many interviews. And why not in today's computer era, it is everyone's responsibility to have basic knowledge of computers.


But there is also another aspect to it that there are many people in us who do not have any knowledge about computers. He has just seen it from others, but he never got a chance to run it. Because of which they do not know how to run computers in the end?

Well, this will happen because how can you expect those who have never touched the computer that they can run the computer. But still, there is nothing to take tension because it is not necessary for everyone to know about everything. But it can also be learned if needed.

If you keep such positive thoughts in your mind, then believe that there is no such skill in front of you that you cannot learn. You just have to have the hope of learning it. That's why today I thought that why you people who do not know anything about computer, they should be taught how to run computer easily.

Apart from this, I am also going to provide you information on how to learn to operate a computer, which is going to help you a lot in running a computer. So read the article carefully so that you do not miss anything. So without delay let's start.


Computer Basics in English

How the computer works? in English


Before learning to operate a computer, you have to know about some information related to computers. In the basics of computer, you have to know about computer, its parts, the function of the computer, etc. Knowing all these makes it easy to operate the computer.

what is Computer?

Before running a computer, you must understand that in the end the computer is done.

Actually, the word computer is derived from the English word "compute", which means "calculate", to do. That is why in English, the computer is also called a calculator or computer or computing device.

The invention of the computer was done mainly to do calculations, or you can also call it the calculating machine.

major parts of the computer

If the parts of the computer are made, then they are mainly of two types.

Internal Parts: These are the parts that are located inside the computer. They are a bit sophisticated so they are kept inside the cabinet. Together, all the processing work of the computer is done by them. For example, CPU, Mother Board, Drives, etc.

External Parts: These are the parts that you get to see outside the computer. They are very hard and robust and they were used by the users to feed data to the computer. For example, Monitor, Mouse, Keyboard, Printer, Speaker, etc.

OutPut Devices vs Input Devices

Output devices are those devices that are used to show the processed results of the computer to the users outside. The best example of this is Monitor. Examples of Output Devices

1. Monitor

2. Speaker

3. Printer

4. Projector

5. Headphones

6. Printer

Input devices are called those devices which are used by the user to feed data into the computer. Examples of Input Devices

1. Mouse

2. Keyboard

3. Scanner

4. DVD Drive

5. Pendrive

6. Cardreader

7. Microphone

1. Keyboard

The keyboard is mainly used for typing on a computer. The computer can run without it, but you may have trouble writing.

2. Mouse

The mouse is also called a pointing device. With the help of this, we can easily move the cursor from one place to another. Due to the size of a mouse in appearance, it has been given the name mouse.

3. UPS

UPS is a device that provides electric power to the computer in times of need. Meaning that if the electricity goes out then your computer does not shut down immediately, rather it takes some time to shut down for which UPS is responsible. The computer can run without it even when electricity is available.

4. Monitor

The monitor looks like a TV. Its main function is to show everything. These are of many types such as LED, LCD, or Plasma. The computer can run even without a monitor, but you will not see anything that is happening.

5. CPU

CPU (Central Processing Unit) It is also called the brain of the computer. All the processing of the computer is done by the CPU itself. No work of computer is possible without CPU. All devices are connected to the CPU.

6. Scanner

A scanner or Image Scanner is a device whose job is to do the scanning of documents. Once you can, then an e copy of that document is stored in the memory of the computer. Which you can print later whenever you want.

7. Printer

The printer is used to print documents or photos on the computer. The computer can run without a printer.

computer working system

To understand the working of a computer, you have to understand its process, how one process is followed by another process.


1. Input means all the data that you feed into the computer using input devices.

2. In Processing, the computer processes the data fed by you with the help of a processor and software, which is the main part of the computer. All these things are done by computer.

3. Output means that after processing the input fed by you when the computer puts it in front of you through output devices. This is the final result for which you are using the computer.

Why is it important to learn to operate a computer?

Today's time is called the age of computers. This is because computers are being used extensively in any area you go to. And why not when this computer is used, then all our work gets done very soon and in less time.

Where earlier humans used to take a lot of time to do all these tasks, today they are done by these machines in a few moments. At the same time, if you do not know how to run a computer, then you will definitely fall behind others. They say that it is necessary to move with the times, otherwise, time will pass ahead of you. Which you will definitely not accept.

It is only wise in this that if you do not know how to operate a computer, then learn it as soon as possible. Do you know when this will come in handy?

Computers are being used in all fields, whether it is agriculture, education, or cooking. You must definitely use the computer in all the places. If you see any company, there is a minimum requirement of computer education in all. They need that their employees are already computer educated so that they can get more benefits in their work. That's why sometimes you have to go through the computer typing test directly.

By the way, having basic knowledge of computers is not a big deal, anyone can learn it and you do not even have to join any course for it.

You can also learn it yourself with the help of the internet in your home. All you need is the passion to learn it. If they are, then easily you can become a computer expert in a few days.

how to run a computer

It is very easy to operate a computer, you just have to follow some steps, so that you can do many things on the computer.

how to turn on the computer

Switching on the computer is very easy.

1. First of all you have to turn on the Main Switch of the computer.

2. At the same time you have to press the button of UPS.

3. Now press the Power Button of the CPU.

4. With this the computer starts booting and later the login screen comes in front of you.

5. Now you can enter the main screen dashboard by entering the password.

How to Switch off / Shut down Computer

Let us now know how to switch off the computer.

1. First of all you have to click on the Windows Button below.

2. On clicking it, you will see the Power Button.

3. Click on it, by doing this you will see the option of shut down.

4. Simply click on the Shut Down option and the computer will automatically shut down.

how to open Microsoft word on a computer

If you want to open Microsoft Word on your computer then –

1. You have to click on the Windows button.

2. Then you type Microsoft Word on the Search button.

3. By doing this, the option of Microsoft Word will appear in front of you.

4. On clicking it, Microsoft Word will open.

how to run the internet on a computer

If your computer is already connected to the Internet, then:-

1. You just need a browser (Google Chrome, Opera, Mozilla Firefox, etc.) to use the Internet.

2. To open Chrome, you have to click on the windows button.

• Then you type Google Chrome on the Search button.

3. Now the option of Google Chrome will come in front of you, on clicking it, Chrome will open.

4. Now you can use this browser to browse the Internet.

How to Install Software on Computer

Here you will know that you install the software on the computer.

1. If you want to install any software on your computer, then you have to download them first from the Internet.

2. Once you download the software, then it is actually a .exe file of that software.

3. If you want to install it then you have to double click on that .exe file.

4. The option to start the install appears in front of you, which you have to click and proceed.

5. Now some options will come in front of you, which you have to choose according to your convenience and need.

6. Finally the software gets installed on the computer.

How to Uninstall Software in Computer

Let us now know how the software is uninstalled.

1. First of all click on the Windows button.

2. Click on Control Panel in the Search Tab.

3. Now the window of the Control Panel will open in front of you.

4. Now you have to click on programs and after that uninstall a program.

5. By doing this the list of all installed programs will appear in front of you.

6. Now right click on whatever software you want to uninstall. Then select the uninstall option.

7. Now the uninstalling process of that software application will start.

8. Then finally that software will also be uninstalled.

how to send an email on a computer

If you want to send an email from your computer, then

1. You have to open any browser first.

2. In it, type the website of Email on the search tab. For example

3. Now the website of that email will open in front of you, to enter there you have to enter your email id and password.

4. Then your Gmail dashboard will open in front of you.

5. Now you have to click on Compose Email.

6. At the same place, you have to fill in the email id of the person to whom you want to send the email.

7. The purpose of the email is to write on the subject.

8. You can type your email in the same content.

9. Then there is an option to send below. On clicking which your email will be sent.

Learn How to Operate a Computer (Easy Steps)

If you want to learn computer yourself then you can do it easily. Here below, I am going to tell you about some such methods, by following which you can easily do.

learn from youtube

You all probably know that YouTube is the largest video database on the Internet. In this, you can get to see videos of many categories.

Many people think that youtube is only an entertainment source, but it is not so because here you can learn not only computer but anything you want to learn.

If you want to learn about computers then type learns computer in English and many videos will be present in front of you. Seeing whom you can easily learn how to run a computer.

from Google Uncle

Yes, friends, you can learn the courses you want by using Google Search Engine on the Internet. If he wants then why not have knowledge of computer.

For this, you can just type anything in Google's search bar like Learn Computer in English, How to run a computer. Soon Google Uncle will provide you with links to all those sites, using which you can easily learn to run a computer.

Computer Course in English

With the help of Android Apps

Many such apps in the Google Play Store provide great information about the computer. It is time to make proper use of your SmartPhone. By downloading these education apps, you can easily learn everything from running a computer to how it is worked.

From Online Courses or Offline Courses

When the world is online, you can also make full use of the Internet to learn about computers. There are many such Free Online Courses on the Internet that provide you all the information related to computers in English for free. At the same time, you can also ask your doubts from them.

To search, you can search them in Google by typing Free English Computer Course.

On the other hand, if you want to learn it offline, then you have to join some computer institute. There you get to study computer courses. If you want, then you have to join any good computer institute in your locality.

learn how to operate the computer

I hope you must have liked my article on how to run a computer. It has always been my endeavor to provide complete information about Computer courses in English to the readers so that they do not have to search any other sites or internet in the context of that article.

This will also save their time and they will also get all the information in one place. If you have any doubts about this article or you want that there should be some improvement in it, then you can write low comments for this.


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