How does 5g work? 5 जी कैसे काम करता है?

 How 5G Works – How 5G Works in English

In 1982, for the first time in the whole world, 1G system came, in this 1G the only person could make voice calls, then in the time of 1991-92 2G came, what was it that person could also make voice calls in this, with- Could send messages as well. Around the year 2000, 3G was introduced around the world, allowing people to make calls, send messages, as well as transfer multimedia such as images and videos.

Around 2010, 4G was brought all over the world, what was in 4G With 4G, people all over the world now started talking through video calls. There was a camera on the mobile and just turned on the camera and all your information also goes to your relative.

And now in 2021, some countries of the world have started using 5G technology. What will happen with the arrival of 5G, now you can drive your car from your mobile phone while sitting at home, you can also turn on or off the lights of your 1000 km away house with the command of your mobile, Not great technology.

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But how does this 5G work, on what basis it is being said that this 5G will change the world on this basis, let us tell you all these things…

See, before understanding all this, you have to understand how mobile network works. When we call someone or transfer any data, how does the transfer happen?

Look, you must have seen mobile towers on the roofs of any houses, you must know what is the function of mobile towers. The job of this mobile tower is to send or receive signals from your mobile phone. Once the signal has come from the mobile to the tower, then after that, the work of transferring the data coming from that mobile, big wires going from under this mobile tower is done.

See what happens, large optical fiber wires are installed inside these towers, which get connected by going to a regional mobile switching center. There the mobile SIM data of the people of that particular area like Aadhar card etc., all these things are registered. Like suppose you are in Lucknow and you are calling someone from Bhopal,

So first of all, as soon as you call the Bhopal person, the signal from your mobile will go to the nearest tower, from there it will go through the optical fiber installed in the signal tower to the regional mobile switching center of Lucknow. Now the same signal will be transferred to the Bhopal mobile switching center and then from the Bhopal mobile switch-off center, this signal will go to the nearest tower of the Bhopal person.

And from there the signal will go to the mobile of that Bhopal person and the person will start getting calls. Similarly, our data is also transferred by passing through many junction points.

But we have to know in this video how this 5G works. After all, on what basis people are saying that it will give 100 times faster speed than 4G. Its latency i.e. the time to receive and transfer the data will be only from 1 to 10 milliseconds, let's tell you….

See, to upgrade the network to 5G, the scientist has made 5 major changes in the network. The first change that has been made in upgrading the 5G network is that 5G will work on the millimeter-wave, the frequency of which is from 30 GHz to 300 GHz. That is, it will be a very high-frequency radio wave that will be used for the first time in the world.

If you do not know, then tell that the faster the frequency of the wave, the more and more it has the capacity to transfer data. But its range i.e. this physical range is very less. That is, it does not spread very far.

Therefore, the second upgrade is being done to make 5G stronger, that is, a small cellular tower will be installed every 250 meters. Which will increase the range of this millimeter-wave. But at the same time when the network becomes so good, then obviously the users will also be very high and so to reduce the congestion, the towers will be fitted with a massive MIMO antenna with multiple input multiple outputs.

Which can be more than 100 in number, this is the third change to upgrade to 5G. Let us tell you that in 4G their number was only 10 to 12, but in 5G now 100 antennas can be installed on a tower. At the same time, the user on which more traffic is coming, the user who is consuming more data, the beamforming technology will be used to provide the data in a better way than the other, which means that To transmit the signal to the user, the signal will be provided to the user exactly like a beam, think of it as signal traffic management, this is the fourth change in 5G up-gradation.

Then after that, the fifth change that is being done to update the 5G network is full-duplex, see the network we were using till now, in which the receivers on the tower were able to do only one thing at a time. Either he could receive the data or he could transfer the data. But now to make 5G technology faster, the signal is being converted into 2 lanes, which means now a network tower can also receive signal and transmit signals at the same time.

With these five big changes, 5G will work 100 times faster than 4G, and its latency means that it will take much less time for the signal to go to the server and the data from the server to your computer. This is what some call latency.

How will 5G work, let's say if you want to download a movie, you will go to that site, as soon as you have given the command on that site, first of all, to download this signal from your mobile from the nearby running tower From there, this signal while traveling all over the world to the optical fiber that is laid under the sea, assume that the server of that movie is somewhere in the USA, then from there the data will come to the regional switching center only and only It will take 1 millisecond and the massive MIMO antenna on the tower will send this signal in millimeter-wave to your mobile exactly like a laser beam.

And the frequency of this signal will be at least 6 GHz to 100 GHz, but in high-frequency radio waves your movie will be downloaded within 5 to 10 seconds, 1 GB of the movie will be downloaded.

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