How does the Internet work? इंटरनेट कैसे काम करता है?

How does the Internet work? इंटरनेट कैसे काम करता है?

Do you know how the internet works, you are watching this youtube video on your mobile right now, you must be feeling that the youtube video you are watching is from a satellite or mobile tower signal on your mobile The radio wave is coming in the phone and you are able to access the internet. But what if I tell you that a very small part of the internet, a very little part of the radio works from the web, the rest of the whole internet works on the wires spread all over the world, that is, on the wire.

A special type of wire in which data is sent from one place to another while traveling at the speed of light. It sounds strange, doesn't it, let's tell you the whole thing and you will be amazed to know…

Like all the countries all over the world, many continents are making a network of roads to improve transportation among themselves, a network of railways is set up, meaning you will move from one place to another holding the land, railway or through a vehicle. In the same way, the governments of many countries around the world, together under the sea, under the land, on the top of the mountain, have laid some such wires which are called optical fibers, which transfer the data at the speed of light.

See what happens, big companies from all over the world do the work of laying optical fiber in the sea, with the tender of the government. And this optical fiber can be down to 8 kilometers in the sea, once in this animation see how continents around the world like Africa, Asia and continents like Europe and Australia are connected to each other through optical fiber and all these optical fibers They are under the sea, isn't it a wonderful thing? Now see this is the first phase to run the internet. If it is not there then the internet will not be able to work at all.

Then see what happens as soon as a country is connected to this optical fiber like in the case of India one end of this optical fiber is in the sea in Mumbai, in Chennai, in Tuticorin, and in some parts of Kerala.

After that this optical fiber network has to be spread in the land all over the country, so what happens now some companies of national level all over India from above the mountains, from under the ground, wherever possible these optical The fiber will be spread across the country. And it will be connected to the optical fiber under the sea.

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As soon as this speculation fiber spreads across the country, after that some tr3 companies like some specific city or some small state companies will now deliver this optical fiber to people's homes through an internet connection. Like a local broadband company and if a company wants to provide data to people through the mobile sim, then this optical fiber will be connected in a big tower and from there this tower will transfer the signal to its nearby areas and reach the internet to the people. Will provide.

Now it is a matter of infrastructure, how the internet is running all over the world due to the infrastructure, now we have to know how the internet works.

See, all the arrangements have been made, the wire has been laid all over the world, the only thing that has to be arranged is that if the data is to be delivered to a mobile phone or to a computer, then, first of all, we need to know its address. That is, its address should be known. We have to make arrangements from which address, from which address to which address we have to deliver the data.

The best solution for this is that every mobile phone, every computer, every single server, an address should be given so that whenever any data has to be sent from one place to another, the data signal knows this. Yes, at which address he has to land. And there is a system in which every mobile is given an address to every server, it is called an IP address.

Let us now explain everything to you with an example, see if you want to see the photo of the Himalayas and download it. So first of all you search Himalaya photo on Google, as soon as you search Himalaya photo, Google will give you any results. You have liked one of these images and you want to download it.

So what will happen to any specific website on which the image will be, suppose the data center of that website is somewhere in England, then first of all this command will be sent from your mobile or computer through the nearby tower through the optical system spread across India. It will go into the sea through the fiber network and this signal will go through the sea to the data center of that website in England.

Then from there, this signal will come to your mobile via the data of the image, in the form of packets, through the sea in many parts in many parts, then through the optical fiber spread in India, through your nearest tower. And your mobile will ask you whether you want to download this image, as soon as you click on download, all that data will be downloaded to your mobile.

But keep in mind that whenever this data will come to India from England's data center, he will know which mobile he has to go to, that is, he will also know the IP address where he has to provide this data, it will not happen that that data Will goes into someone else's mobile phone. Just like your postal address, the IP address of your mobile, your computer, or any website is its postal address.

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