How Mosquitoes are Born ? मच्छर कैसे पैदा होते है|

How Mosquitoes are Born-मच्छर कैसे पैदा होते है

As global warming is increasing in the world, the temperature of the world is also increasing and as the temperature of the world is increasing, the number of mosquitoes is also increasing very fast. The temperature of 20 to 35 degrees Celsius is the best for mosquitoes to breed. Although the number of mosquitoes is almost negligible in cold places, even where there is a slightly moist environment, especially in India, where the average temperature is 20 to 30 degrees Celsius, there are plenty of mosquitoes.

Now there is a lot of mosquitoes, but how these mosquitoes are born, after all, how will you know how a mosquito is born, how it dies, how long it lives, all these things… till now you know all these things It will not happen, but today I will clear this thing completely to you and believe me you will enjoy a lot…

But before you start, if you hate mosquitoes, then do like and comment good and bad for mosquitoes…

See, first of all, a mosquito finds a source of water where it can lay its eggs, although there are some mosquito species, which lay their eggs not above water, but near water, but most species of mosquitoes lay their eggs underwater.

Once the mosquito has found a source of water, there the mosquitoes lay their eggs,

Once the mosquito lays the eggs, after that the eggs of the mosquito go inside the water and as soon as they go inside, these eggs hatch within about 24 to 72 hours, that is, only within 3 days.

As soon as the mosquito egg breaks, the mosquito's larva emerges from the broken egg, now you will think what is this larva, let us explain to you what is a larva…

See, when an insect comes in the first stage of its life, first it becomes an egg, then after that, it becomes an insect-like a caterpillar, this stage is also called a worm, this insect is such that its surroundings A shell is formed, which is very soft to soft. In this, the insect lives and gets nourishment.

Within this shell, it flourishes after getting nourishment, in the case of mosquitoes, it happens that when they become larvae, then because they live in water, they can swim in the water, because mosquitoes have evolved like this. So that their larvae can swim in the water. Hence the mosquito lays its eggs in water.

3 dangerous mosquitoes of the world - mosquito meaning in English

And after 3 days when the mosquito egg breaks, a mosquito's larva emerges from it, now the mosquito stays in its larval stage for 4 to 14 days. Where he gets plenty of nutrition inside a softshell and his body is built.


After that, after 4 to 14 days, when the mosquito has crossed its larval stage, the shell around the mosquito becomes very hard, and the mosquito reaches the stage of pupa, where its wings, etc. It all starts developing.

Sometimes in the pupa stage, the shell of the pupa also becomes transparent and the mosquito stays in this pupa stage for 2 to 3 days. As time passes, suddenly the shell of this pupa starts breaking, and a worm which we hate the most comes in front. Now it also has a wing, it has a nose like a big needle, from where it sucks blood, now the mosquito has reached its adult stage.

Now if this mosquito is a female, then it will suck our blood and lay eggs and die within 30 days, whereas if this mosquito is a match, then it will live only for 10 more days and will take nectar from plants and flowers. Will survive, it doesn't suck our blood.

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