Humans are able to use only 10 percent of the brain! In English (2021)

There are unique creatures on earth. Everyone also has different characteristics. One can climb a tree upside down, then one rules the whole forest without fear. Overall sensitivity is there in all living beings. One of them is also a human. It is another matter that man is completely different from all these!

Humans have developed their brains according to time. He has understood animals and creatures. Human beings have more 'developed brains' than all these, due to which we have more ability to think and make decisions differently from other animals.

One theory even says that man is able to use only 10 percent of his brain. In such a situation, it becomes interesting to know what that theory is and how accurate it is, let us know-

theory in the 19th century

How surprising that a man is able to use only 10 percent of his brain. That is, 90 percent of the brain remains inactive! This theory first emerged when American psychologist William James conducted an IQ test on his son.

After that said that man does not make full use of his brain.

In 1907, an article was published in the journal Science, which was written by William James.

He said in it that "we use only a small part of the mental and physical resources present in our brain, that is, man uses only 10 percent of his brain".

This theory went further and Dale Carnegie wrote this figure in his book 'How to Win Friends and Influence People' in 1936 and people started to believe it.

Some people even believe that Albert Einstein used more than 10 percent of his brain.


How much myth, how much truth!

This theory spread throughout the world through media, magazines, and other mediums. Not only this, but this theory was also shown a lot in Hollywood films like Lucy, Limits, Flight to the Navigator, and people's faith in this theory increased.

People accepted it quickly.

However, this theory is slowly beginning to be veiled. Cognitive neuroscientist Della Sala, who worked in Einstein's laboratory, vehemently denied Albert Einstein's statement and said that there is no record that can justify this theory.

To test this theory, a 2012 survey was conducted on school teachers in the UK and the Netherlands. That survey found that 48 percent in Britain and 46 percent in the Netherlands believe this theory to be true, and a few years later, a survey was conducted in the US by the Michael J Fox Foundation for Parkinson's Research.

Under this, 65 percent of the people consider this theory to be true. Although others called it a fabricated story. This is the reason why this theory has become a myth after survey and knowing the truth!

Albert Einstein Brain

misunderstanding of theory

If this principle is accepted that man uses only 10 percent of his brain, then what will happen to the remaining 90 percent..?

However, when an attempt is made to know the truth of this theory, an incident comes to the fore which is responsible for the misunderstanding of this theory.

90% of the cells in our brain are called glial cells. They are white in color, which provides nutrition to the other 10 percent of the cells called 'neurons. People took another meaning of this thing.

People assumed that humans only use 10 percent of the brain. We do think and make decisions with the help of neurons cells, and the rest is inactive!

But after the study, it was found that we use almost all parts of the brain.

Human Brain
100% brain usage

Eventually, the veil started coming out of this myth and the fabricated misconceptions of the people started dispelling.

American scientist and neurologist Barry Gordon said in an interview that "10 percent of the brain's use is just a myth, while almost the entire part of the human brain is always active."

A study published in Frontiers, the journal of human neuroscience, debunked the myth that 10 percent of the brain was used.

According to the study, a normal brain has imaging technology. What is called 'functional magnetic resonance imaging can measure when a person does different activities.

By presenting many such examples, researchers have shown that almost our entire brain is used. Even if someone is doing simple tasks. Even when a person is resting or sleeping, almost the entire brain remains active.

Overall, the truth is that our brain works 100 percent, with 90 percent of the glial cells powering the remaining 10 percent of neurons.

Human Brain Use. (Pic: Sensual Thinking)
Human brain changes

You might still be wondering why this myth persists till now, and why do people think that humans can use only 10 percent of their brains.

The truth, however, is that the myth of 10 percent utilization sounds appealing, as some see it as human potential. People believe that we can learn a lot like different languages, musical instruments, sports and many more, but not every one of us can do it.

In such a situation, it comes to the mind that this has happened due to lack of use of the whole part of the brain, but the truth is that the more practice is done, the more our brain will be able to get used to reading and understanding that thing and its Activity will increase.

Marta Lehar, co-director of Cambridge University, believes that today's human brain is ten percent smaller than the ancestors of thousands of years ago.

For humans who were 'Homo sapiens' about two lakh years ago, the volume of their brain used to be 1500 cubic centimeters, while now it has reduced to 1350 cubic centimeters.

Boys are Busy in Mobile.

In the present time, man has become addicted to taking the help of modern equipment. He doesn't have to strain his mind to remember more things, because he has Google today. Because of this, he is using his brain the least.

In the age of use and over-dependence on technology, there is a legitimate concern that people will stop remembering even basic information by relying on digital technology.

Web Title: Do Humans Use Only 10 Percent of Their Brain?, ENGLISH Article

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