On what does the earth rest? पृथ्वी किस चीज पर टिकी हुई है?

On what does the earth rest? 

पृथ्वी किस चीज पर टिकी हुई है ?

The Earth revolving around the Sun in space looks very attractive to see in pictures and videos, but have you ever wondered what the Earth rests on? The earth itself is tied with a string or thread, then how this blue planet revolves around the sun and moves at the same speed continuously.

If such curious questions related to space and earth keep coming to your mind, then do not worry because today we are going to tell you the answer to this question on what the earth rests, then what is the delay.

Why does the Earth revolve around the Sun Since the formation of the Sun and the existence of various planets in space, many changes have taken place over millions of years, due to which the life of the Earth has become possible. The Earth was absolutely a ball of fire in the early stages of its formation. Which has cooled down over time, during this time the Earth and the Moon were formed and the gravitational force of the Earth was getting ready.

That the gravitational force of the Earth is very less than that of the Sun, due to which the Earth continues to revolve around the Sun, not only this but the other planets of the Solar System also revolve around the Sun, how strong is the gravitational force of the Sun that a planet is in its area. Cannot go far away, due to this gravitational force, the earth revolves around the sun while rotating on its axis.

When the Earth completes one revolution around the Sun, then this time on Earth is known as 1 year, but the Earth's connection with the Sun is possible only due to the gravitational force or if there is some other reason behind it. The gravitational force of the Sun is so strong, so why does the Earth not fit inside it?

Generally, whenever the gravitational force of an object is strong, it starts pulling other things towards itself, for example when a meteorite or asteroid comes near the earth, the gravitational force of the earth starts pulling it towards itself and as a result Meteoroids and asteroids collide with the Earth itself, so it can be said that in the dark space, the Earth is not connected to the Sun only by gravitational force.

Rather, there are other reasons behind its being in space, in fact, the earth rotates on its axis once in 24 hours, due to which it is possible to change between day and night on the earth, this rotation of the earth once in 24 hours. The process is called rotation, when the earth completes one revolution in a year while rotating on its axis, then that process is called revolution, the Sun is bound to the planet Earth by its gravitational force.

Due to which all the planets revolve around it, in such a situation, the question arises that how the Sun must have created such a huge gravitational force, due to which all the planets keep moving behind it and remain in the same place in space.

The gravity of the Sun determines the location of the Earth. To understand the gravitational force of the Sun, you have to understand the structure of space and the presence of the Sun in it, due to which the location of the planets of the Solar System is determined, the presence of the Sun and planets in space. The great scientist Albert Einstein had put the theory in front of the whole world, which is known as the General Relativity Theory.

According to this theory, when an object takes its place in space, it breaks up and creates its own region for some distance, in such a situation, it starts revolving around that planet or object, in such a situation some Occurs with the gravitational force of the Sun and all the planets in the Solar System because all the planets are present inside the kin created by the Sun

You can understand this process in simple words in this way, suppose that space is like a huge sheet in which the presence of the Sun is like a very big and heavy ball, in such a way that when that heavy game of the Sun form the sheet. But if it is thrown, then a pit will be formed in the sheet from its body.

Due to this pit created by the Sun in space, the small planets around it started getting attracted towards it because the Sun's old age in space creates a very large gravitational field, due to which the planets of the solar system were formed at the same place. The living area is found which is not present far and wide in space, in such a situation, the gravitational force of the presence of the Sun and the Heli's Fair region created by it is responsible for the existence of the Earth in this infinite space. Provides space for orbiting

Why does the Earth not fit into the Sun, now you must have understood what the Earth rests on in space, but with this answer, a question arises that if the Sun's gravity is bound to the Earth, then the Earth or other planets are bound to it. Why is it not absorbed inside Actually the shape of the Sun is like a giant round ball around which a strong gravitational force is created?

In such a situation, the direction in which the Earth revolves around the Sun has a perpendicular force on the Earth. In such a situation, the earth's journey in space will never end, because there is no shape or size of space left, there will be neither night nor day on earth, everything will change completely.

But due to the round and giant shape of the Sun, the Earth travels from the first curvature point of the Sun to the second curvature point, then due to the curvature of the Sun, it starts bending towards the Earth, due to which the Earth revolves around the Sun. is not directly affected by it

The circular and huge curvature of the Sun binds the Earth and other planets, due to which no planet deviates from the direction and remains in its place in space, you must have understood.

Friends, I hope you have understood very well what the earth rests on, if you have any questions in your mind, then tell us by writing in the comment box below!


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