What is RAM ? – मोबाइल रैम क्या है in English

 What is RAM– मोबाइल रैम क्या है IN ENGLISH 

What is this RAM installed on a computer or mobile (what is a ram in English)? You must have heard often that the more RAM in a mobile or computer.

The speed of that mobile or computer will be the same. As much RAM is there in mobile and computer. It does not hang or even if it happens, very little.

Therefore, when most people go to buy a mobile or computer, they prefer to buy a mobile or computer with more RAM.

But have you ever thought that what is this RAM? (what is a ram in English). And what is its work after all?

After all, what is the work of this Ram in mobile or computer, which is said to be the most important thing in mobile and computer, so let's know….

What is RAM ? (what is Ram in English)

The full form of RAM is (Random Access Memory.) RAM is the memory of the computer.

Now you will say that the computer's memory is a hard disk. So how did this RAM become the computer's memory? So let us tell you that whatever data is saved in the computer.

In the form of a large file then whatever is the basic thing to run the computer. All that is saved on the hard disk.

But when those memories have to be executed. That is when we have to run or run the memories.

Then this RAM accesses the memory of that application and runs that program.

Let us tell you this in a little more simple words. See, your computer's hard disk is like your brain.

Where all the information and data is stored.

ram executes the running software!

Whenever we run any application or software. So Ram executes the data of that particular software.

And only helps to run the data of that software by storing it inside itself.

If there is no RAM in the computer, then how will the computer know which software it has to run.

Because many files are stored in the computer. If there is no RAM, then the memory of the computer will get confused.

And will not be able to work according to the given command.

For your information, we are also going to give you some information about the memory of the computer.

After all, what is this computer memory? (what is computer memory in English).

And how many types are it (types of computer memory in English) and how does it work, so let's know

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What is computer memory? (computer memory in English)

Computer memory is a part of the computer system itself. Where computer data and information is saved

This data or information is saved in the computer's memory in the form of binary digits 0 and 1.

Computer memory in Hindi is mainly of two types.

1. Primary Memory

2. Secondary Memory

1 – Primary Memory –It is also called Volatile Memory. This is the main memory of any computer.

This memory keeps only that data and information safe inside itself. Whose computer is being used instantaneously?

  1. The capacity limit of this memory is limited.
  2. Therefore, only those data stores remain in it whose user command has been given to the computer.

  3. The primary memory is connected to the CPU of the computer and for this reason, it executes the program by processing the commands given by the user very fast.

1 – There are two types of primary memory (types of primary memory in English).

1. RAM (Random Access Memory)

2. ROM (Read-only memory)

RAM In English

Ram is a part of the computer memory system, made of a semiconductor.

This memory is a variable memory. In this, the information or data of only those software or applications are saved or stored somewhere.

Which is commanded by the user computer. Suppose if the user opens the computer and is trying to open Google Chrome by clicking on it.

So it's done by giving the command to the computer to open Google Chrome. Now RAM will do that by storing the data of Google Chrome's application from the hard disk of the computer itself.

This will help in executing and running the program.

What is the type of RAM (types of ram in English)

Ram is of two types…

  1. Static Random Access Memory (SRAM)
  2. Dynamic Random Access Memory (DRam)

Static Random Access Memory (SRAM) :-

  • static means static. As its name suggests, you must have understood that data and information are always stable in this RAM.
  • Meaning the data in it will be safe only as long as the power keeps coming in it.

  • As soon as the power goes out, the data is lost.
  • It is also called SRAM in short form. A total of 6 transistor chips are installed in this RAM. And there is no capacitor in it.

  • This RAM lasts for a long time and does not need to be refreshed frequently.

  • Talk about the speed of this RAM, then it is much more than the speed of DRAM.

  • This RAM is mainly used to store the cache memory.

  • And its size is also more. SRAM is also more expensive as compared to DRAM.

Dynamic Random Access Memory (DRam)

  • Dynamic Ram is the exact opposite of Static Ram. It needs to be refreshed frequently.

  • And this ram lasts for a very short time. The speed of this Ram is much slower than the SRAM. Dynamic Ram's capacitors, which store any data.

  • It keeps on discharging power very slowly. Even if the energy runs out, the data also ends.

  • If the power is cut then all the data of Sara is lost.

2. Secondary Memory

This memory is an immutable memory. Because even after power off, memory is saved in it.
In this, the data or information is permanently protected. It is much larger in size but very slow as compared to primary memory.
It is not connected to the CPU. For example hard disk, solid-state drive, etc.    RAM WIKIPEDIA         

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