Do you know these 10 facts about Germany? (2021) Trending-Article

 Do you know these 10 things about Germany?

If you also want to go to Germany or want to study from there, then know these special things about Germany

Germany is one of the powerful countries in Europe. Many world-famous scientists and philosophers have emerged from this country. Lakhs of students of India also want them to study from big institutes of Germany. Many qualities of Germany attract the world towards itself. Know such things of Germany which are a bit unique and strange

1. Berlin is nine times bigger than Paris and has more bridges than Venice.

2. In Germany, if a prisoner tries to escape from prison, he is not punished for it. There it is believed that it is natural for the prisoners to try to escape from the jail.

3. The name of Germany is also included in the countries that print the most books.

4. The world's first magazine was launched in Germany in 1663.

5. At the time of World War II, Coca-Cola was not being imported into Germany, so Fanta was made here.

6. Saluting the Nazis in Germany is a crime by law. Anyone who does so can be imprisoned for 3 years.

7. Germany and Japan have the lowest birth rates compared to other countries in the world.

8. It is illegal to smoke in a public place here. It is legal to drink alcohol there.

9. It is a legal offense to discriminate in any way against homosexual people here.

10. Germany ranks second in terms of alcohol consumption in Europe.


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