How To Get Google AdSense Approval? in 2022 [In One Day] Trending Article

If you want to monetize your blog with AdSense, then first of all you have to know that How to Approve Google AdSense?

Do you want to earn some money online and are thinking of blogging for it, then if your blog is getting good traffic and you want that you can earn some money from it, then there is no better way for you than AdSense. But for this, it is necessary that how to Approve Google Adsense.

Today all people want to know that there are many ways to make money online such as you can do blogging, upload videos on Youtube, work on Fiverr, create mobile apps, and many more. There are ways by which you can earn money online.

Blogging is such a way that you can earn a lot more money than any other method. There are many ways to earn money from blogging such as you can do Affiliate Marketing, by giving Sponsored posts, Sponsored ads, Backlink, or in any other way. But Adsense is such a way that you can earn money very easily. It is much easier to use.

But before using Adsense for your site, you have to approve your site with Adsense. Only after this, you can earn money by showing AdSense ads on your site.

Many people face the downside that they need to Approve AdSense, because of that those folks get demotivated and begin thinking of stopping blogging. the rationale for not obtaining the approval of Adsense is that the mistakes created by them.

Believe me, it is very easy to get Adsense approval, there is no difficulty in this. You can easily get the approval of Adsense.

Today I will be able to share some tips with you, by following that you'll be able to simply get the approval of AdSense for your website

How to Approve Google Adsense?

If you are also a blogger and you have a blog then you can get your site approved for Adsense by following my tips. Whatever things I will tell you, I have told all the things from my AdSense approval experience till now.

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How to Approve Google AdSense – So you follow these tips and easily get Adsense Approval.

1. Choose a Good Domain Name

The domain name is very important for Adsense approval. Whenever you buy a domain name, you use the top-level domain only. You can use .np, .com, .in, .net, .org or the other domain for your website.

If you use this domain then you will get Adsense approval quickly and easily. With this, your site will also rank in Google and you can also earn money from Adsense.

If you will use .tk, .ml, .xyz, etc. in its place, then you will get approval but after a little more hard work. You will have to work a little more on these domains to get Adsense approval than on top-level domains.

Even if you take Adsense approval on these domains, then your domain will not rank in Google and traffic will not come to your blog. And to earn money from Adsense, it is most important to have traffic.

If you are using then you will not have any problem in getting Adsense Approval. But there is also the problem with this that this domain does not rank.

Apart from this, if you are using the domain then you cannot apply for Adsense unless Blogger wants it which is not correct.

2. Domain Age should be one month

By the way, there is no fixed thing that what should be the age of the domain of your blog because Adsense approves even 10 days old domain and also approves 2 months old domain.

But if you are submitting any domain for Adsense then you should keep in mind that it should be at least one month old. If you apply early then it may be that he may not review your application till then.

I once submitted my 12 days old domain to Adsense but AdSense did not reply to me for 20 days and I had to delete that Adsense.

By then my domain was out of date and I had also made some posts, after which I applied my same domain again after which I got Approval. I applied for one of my domains on the 25th day and I got Adsense approval within 24 hours.

3. Write Quality Content

No one even knows how much content should be minimum to get Adsense approval. But according to my experience and other people's experience, if there should be a minimum of 15 posts on your blog, which should be 1500 words or more or less.

Even if you write thirty posts of a thousand words on your Blogs, you'll still get the approval of Adsense. You should also keep in mind that you do not make too many Spelling Mistakes or Grammar Mistakes while writing.

You should also keep in mind that your content should be unique. If your content will not be unique then it will be considered copyrighted, due to which you will not get AdSense approval.

You can check the Plagiarism of your journal with Dupli Checker.

The content quality of your blog should be good and your content should comply with the policies of Google publisher policies of Adsense. If you write illegal, dangerous, or abusive content and many other things on your blog, then you will not get Adsense Approval from it.

You can get data regarding all such things from this text.

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4. Use Image

Use images in your blog post. If you do not use the image, then you may find it difficult to get Adsense approval from it.

You can download copyright-free images for your blog from Pixabay, Pixels, Unplash, or other sites and use them for your blog.

5. Do not use Copyright Content

You write your own article. Do not copy-paste the article from any other site. If you do this then you will not get Adsense Approval.

People have to put their minds in such a way and they start using article spinner, start translating the content, or writing articles by copying a little bit of content from many sites instead of one site.

So be sure that you will not get any benefit from this. You will not get Adsense Approval. Instead of making the most of this, your site's Spam Score can solely increase.

By the way, it is a very difficult thing that by doing this you get the approval of AdSense, but even if you get it, your blog will not rank and Google can also penalize your blog.

Even if you have got Adsense Approval, then your Adsense is not safe, it can be disabled at any time. If you are doing not do any wrong factor within the starting and after you get the approval of Adsense and you begin doing one thing wrong then you'll be in danger of getting Adsense Disable.

For the images you are using for your blog, then you should keep in mind that that image is not copyrighted. Read this post for information about Copyright Free Images: How to Download Copyright-Free Images.

6. Make the User Interface Nice

Keep the interface of your blog user-friendly. You design your home page, landing page, and blog post page a dam good one. The load time of your blog should be less.

Use your blog's widgets in the right place. You can use Popular Post, Follow By Email, Categories, User Profile, etc. Widgets on your blog.

You optimize the Main Menu, Top Menu, Footer, and Sidebar of your blog well. You should confine in mind that your blog's Search Box and different Widgets work well. Use these methods to improve the User Interface of your blog

  • use a good theme
  • Optimize Your Widgets Well
  • Organize your Widgets in the right place
  • Organize your Main Menu, Top Menu, Footer, and Sidebar well
  • Don't Show Too Much Pop Up
  • Use only two to three colors in your blog.

7. Create a Social Media Account

Make as many social site profiles as you can for your blog. You must primarily create an account for Facebook, Twitter and put their link on your blog. Well, it's not needed but it might help a little.

8. Create Important Pages

You have to form vital pages for your weblog. You have to create 5 pages for your blog which are

  1. About Us – On this page, you have to give some information about yourself and your blog.
  2. Contact Us – You have to give your contact details to contact you in this.
  3. Disclaimer - This page contains information about your blog doing that. You can generate it with the help of Tools.
  4. Privacy – You can also generate this page with the help of the online tool.
  5. Cookie Policy - If you use people's information for anything, then it is necessary for you to create this page. You will need to create this page if you email Logan or track people with Google Analytics. You can generate it online.

9. Choose the right language

If the language of your blog is Hindi (Country Specific), English, or Bengali, Marathi, Tamil, Telugu, Urdu Malay, then you will get the approval of Adsense. But if you are writing a blog on any other regional language then you will not get Adsense Approval.

Click here for more information.

10. Choose the Right Blog Topic

The topic of your weblog shouldn't be against the policy of Google Adsense. If your blog is above Movie Downloading, Guns, and other things then you will not get Adsense Approval. If you choose a good topic then you will easily get the approval of Adsense.

11. Don't Use Other Ad Networks

People initially start using Infolinks, Pop Ads, Bidvertiser, Revenuehits, or other ad networks. The only reason behind choosing these Ad Networks is that Adsense is not getting Approval.

You can use these Ad Networks, there is no problem with this, but when you apply your site for Adsense, then you should remove its ads for a short time.

If you will place ads from any other Ad Network on your site, then you will not get the approval of Adsense.

If you have put Amazon banners on your blog, then you can remove them for some time and when Adsense is approved then you can use them again.

12. Blog Traffic

It does not matter how much traffic is coming to your blog, traffic is coming or not. If you have 10 daily traffic on your blog then you will get the approval of Adsense.

But it makes a distinction from wherever the traffic of your weblog is coming back from. If your traffic is coming back from Google, Facebook, Twitter, Forum, or any weblog then you'll not have any downside. But if your traffic is coming from any illegal site, the spamming site then you will not get Adsense Approval.

If you have your traffic auto-generated then you will have a lot of trouble. It is better than such traffic that the traffic does not come. At least Adsense Approve will happen.

13. Redirect Domain

If your blog is then you should keep in mind that it redirects from to because you are using HTTPS:// in AdSense. Only URLs can be submitted.

If your domain will not redirect from to then your site will not be open for AdSense and you will get the error of site down and unavailable.

If you follow these right things then you will get Adsense Approval very easily.

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My advice to you would be that you apply for Adsense only when your blog gets 40 unique page views daily. I am not talking regarding your own given page views.

Google tracks these and counts only one. This will increase your metrics in Adsense but the revenue will not increase and you must know that you cannot click Self.

If you get the approval of Adsense then you have to keep your AdSense safe too. For this, you keep these things in mind

  1. Do not self-click on the ads of your site. You do not click by changing VPN, server, proxy, etc. because Google AdSense is extremely good, it'll track you.
  2. Do not send invalid traffic to your site. You do not see much of the ads on your site yourself. That's why you put an ad blocker in your browser.
  3. Even after getting the approval of Adsense, you write unique and quality content. If you are doing not write distinctive and quality content then your Adsense is disabled.
  4. Do not put excessive ad placement in your blog

If you follow this stuff then your AdSense can forever be safe.


I sincerely hope that after reading this post you will not need to search again that How to Approve Google AdSense

If you get the approval of Adsense by following these things, then you must tell me by commenting, I will be very happy.

If you are still not giving Adsense approval then you tell me I will try my best to solve your problem.

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