What is the Dark Web? | and How does it work? (2021) In English

If you feel that you know everything about the world of the Internet, then you need to increase your knowledge a bit. Because as much as most of us know about the Internet, it is only 4% of the entire Internet.

Yes! Only 4% of the remaining 96% of the Internet is present on the Deep and Dark Web. Now you must be thinking that what is this Deep and Dark Web? So don't worry, in this post I have many questions related to the dark web like what is the dark web, what happens in the dark web, is dark web really very dangerous, how to run dark web, dark web download, I am going to give answers to, etc. in very simple language.

In this way, after reading this post, there will be no question left in your mind related to Dark Web, because in this post you will get complete information about Dark Web.

What is the Dark Web? Darknet in English

Now you must be thinking that let's assume that 96% of the Internet is on Deep and Dark Web, but what is this Deep and Dark Web?

Let me explain to you in very easy language. The Internet we use is available all over the world in the form of the World Wide Web, which is also known as WWW in short form.

☝What Is Dark Web?

This World Wide Web (WWW) is divided into three parts which are as follows-

  1. Surface Web
  2. Deep Web
  3. Dark Web

Let us know about these three in detail one by one:

What is Surface Web?

The surface Web is the world of the Internet that is easily available to everyone through Search Engines and Browsers.

Under this, all those websites come which are easily available on Search Engines such as Google, Yahoo, Bing, etc. i.e. Indexed. If you understand in simple language, then all the websites of Surface Web are visible to you, nothing is hidden here.

You can access all the websites under Surface Web through ordinary browsers.

Talking about the example, suppose you searched "YouTube" on Google, after that you see YouTube's website in Search Results and you can play YouTube by clicking on it. This means that YouTube Surface is available on the web because it is not being hidden on search engines.

I hope you have understood the Surface Web easily.

What is Deep Web?

Deep Web is that part of the Internet, where direct access to sites or links is not possible. Sites / Links under Deep Web are not indexed on any search engine, that is, they are not visible by searching on any search engine (Google, Bing, etc.).

They are mostly kept hidden from people for security reasons or for any other reason. These links are accessed by special people in special circumstances.

This part of the Internet is mostly used by the government and banks so that they can keep some secret information hidden from the people.

Let us understand with an example-

You all know that our G-Mail ID has a password, about which only we know, or Google because Google keeps our password safe with itself (in the server). Google keeps all of our passwords safe in the Deep Web, if this is not the case and suppose our passwords are on the Surface Web, what will happen? Anyone can easily know their password by searching on Google, which will prove to be very dangerous.

From the above example, you must have understood that what is the importance of the Deep Web? Let us now know what is this Dark Web?

👉Types of Web

What is the Dark Web?

Dark Web should not be run even after forgetting, Dark Web is very dangerous, do not know how many such things you must have heard. Let us find out the truth of these things and know in detail what is this Dark Web?


The Dark Web is considered a part of the Deep Web itself, which is not indexed on Search Engines and requires a special type of browser to access it.

Let us understand the meaning of this definition in a little detail-

As the Deep Web is a hidden part of the Internet world, in the same way the Dark Web is also buried deep in the world of this Internet. It is also called Darknet in other words.

Do we often visit any website? You will say how this question happened, we either search that site in a search engine such as Google and go to it or go to that site by writing the link / URL of that site in any browser. But wait, the story of the dark web is a little different.

Websites of the Dark Web cannot be accessed like the ordinary Surface Web. Websites of the Dark Web will not be found by searching you on Google or any search engine, because they are not indexed in any search engine. Even if you got a link to the websites of the dark web from somewhere, still you will not be able to open it, because these links do not open in ordinary browsers.

To go to the dark web and access the website of the dark web, we need a special browser, which is named Tor Browser.

Now you must have understood that what is Dark Web?, What is Darknet? Let us now know about Tor Browser and Dark Web in detail.

What is Tor Browser?

As you have learned above that a special browser “TOR” is required to run the Dark Web, but you will be surprised to know that this browser was not made for the Dark Web, some of its special features have Gave birth to the dark web.

TOR is a very special kind of web browser, which was made for your privacy, but some of its special features have made it a hotbed of misinformation.

Tor Browser was released on 20 September 2002, but its first public launch took place almost 1 year later.

The most important thing about this browser is that if you browse through it, it will be almost impossible to find out your real location. This feature of TOR was made for your privacy, but it proved to be more useful for wrongdoers and it gave birth to the dark web.

TOR Full Form

The full form of TOR is "The Onion Routing".

How does the Dark Web work?

Now we are going to discuss how Dark Web and TOR Browser works?

In its full name, we can see a word which is "ONION", which means "onion". Now, what is the need for this onion in any browser? I tell!

Just as an onion has many layers, in the same way you have to go through different IP (Internet Protocol) addresses to run this browser. Now you must be finding it a bit complicated, wait, let me explain in easy language.

Nowadays this world of ours has gone a long way in the field of technology and due to this, we can do such things which we may find impossible to hear.

You must be running the Internet from someplace right now and in today's time, it is quite easy to find out from where you are running the Internet through your IP address! TOR was created to make this information confidential, if you are browsing through TOR then it is almost impossible to find your location.

Let us understand this with an example:

Suppose you do some search in a normal browser, then the search request will go directly from your real IP address and in this case, it will be very easy to find your location through your real IP (Internet Protocol).

But on the other hand, when you use the Internet through TOR Browser, then your browsing request is passed through many different IP addresses so that no one can find out your real IP address, and because of this your real location also. Could not know

In this way, when you are browsing in it, then your browsing request is sent through many VPNs i.e. Virtual Private Network.

VPN: If understood in simple language, then this is also a type of device by which you can run the internet while hiding yourself.

Now the question must be coming to mind that if someone uses this browser in the wrong way then he cannot be caught? The answer is - it is very difficult. By the way, it has been seen many times when Government Intelligence Agencies have caught such bad people.

Tor Browser & Dark Web

Special Features of TOR Browser

Although you know a lot about TOR, let's take a look at its special features too.

Your real IP and location cannot be traced through the Onion Routing feature of TOR Browser.

Websites with extensions like .com, .in, .net, .org do not open in this browser, the websites that open in it have a special extension ".onion".

Through TOR, you can create your own website with .onion extension absolutely free.

These were some of the features that make TOR very special, unfortunately, through these features, the Dark Web has also been born.

I hope what is the Dark Web? You must be getting the answer to this question very deeply.

What happens in the dark web?

Now you must have come to know that to go to the Dark Web, we need TOR Browser and through TOR we can completely hide our identity, which was made for our privacy.

But just think for yourself who wants to keep himself the most confidential, like me you will also answer, those people who do wrong work, wrong business. Because such people do not want anyone to catch them because in return they will get a huge punishment.

Absolutely! Dark Web Most people, people do very wrong things and no one can catch them, so they resort to Dark Web.

Drugs Selling, Live Pornography, Secret Documents Selling, Smuggling, etc. happen daily on the Dark Web. This is the most favorite online black market of wrongdoers.

Cryptocurrency such as Bitcoin, Ethereum, etc. is used for buying and selling here so that no one can track them.

On the dark web, you will also find dangerous hackers of the world who are waiting for such people who do not have good knowledge of the dark web and they can hack them easily.

Apart from this, many wrong and mysterious things happen daily on DARKNET or Dark Web, about which I cannot tell you due to the guidelines.

Now you are understanding what is the Dark Web? In this post, you will get to know how to run Dark Web?

Is the Dark Web Dangerous?

Yes of course! If you do not take precautions or if you do not have complete knowledge of the dark web!

As I told you above that there are always dangerous hackers sitting waiting for you on the dark web. Their job is to make such people their victims who do not have good knowledge of the Dark Web.

The dark web can prove to be dangerous for you due to the following reasons:


Hacking is common on the dark web, if you do not have good knowledge of the dark web then you should not go to the dark web. Because as I told above that through TOR you can create your own website absolutely free, in the same way, hackers also maintain their website so that they can hack you.


Viruses are uploaded by hackers on many websites of the dark web so that knowingly or unknowingly you download them on your laptop/computer. You are shown lots of amazing stuff to download.

Apart from this, you can be harmed in many ways, such as access to your PC can be taken, illegal things can be done to you. Therefore it would be better than if you do not have information, then do not run the Dark Web.

Is Running the Dark Web Illegal?

The answer may be different for every country, but if I talk about India, it is completely legal to run dark web here i.e. you can easily run dark web in India.

But in countries where it is legal to run the dark web, it never means that doing wrong things there is also legal. If you do any kind of wrong thing like Hacking, Drugs Selling, etc. then you will definitely get big punishment after a legal process.

Therefore, neither go to unknown websites nor do any wrong thing on Dark Web.

Now we know very well that what is the Dark Web?, How does the Dark Web work? and many more. After this, if you want how to run Dark Web?, then now I also tell you this.

How to run Dark Web on your computer?

Before running Dark Web, make sure that you are running it on your own responsibility, we are not encouraging you in any way.

Now follow the method we are going to tell you to step by step, after that you will easily enter the dark web and will be able to run it safely.

Follow the following steps to run Dark Web:

Using a VPN (Virtual Private Network)

To protect yourself a bit, you must use a Trusted VPN.

Although in a way TOR also protects your privacy through many VPNs, we know that the dark web is a haven for hackers, so we must use a good VPN with some caution.

Download and Install TOR Browser

Now you will need a TOR browser, so now you download TOR from its official website. You can download the correct TOR Browser by clicking on the link given below.

Dark Web Download: Tor Browser Download Link

Now your next step will be to install TOR on your computer, so install it on your computer just like you install other software.

Enter the Dark Web

Now you close all the programs running on your computer/laptop, then you open the TOR Browser. You will see a browser open just like a normal browser, but keep in mind it is not normal.

Congratulations! Now you are in that world of the internet, where most people are not able to go. Yes, understand it right, this is "DARK WEB".

You will have to travel further on your own, now find and explore the Trusted Websites available on the dark web.

I hope now you have understood very well that what is the dark web, how does the dark web work, and how to run the dark web safely?

Difference Between Deep Web and Dark Web

Following are some of the major differences between the Deep Web and the Dark Web:

Deep Web (डीप वेब)Dark Web (डार्क वेब)
Deep Web can be run through any simple browser.To run the Dark Web, a special browser is required, out of which TOR is used the most.
Accessing the appropriate Deep Web is not at all dangerous.Less knowledge of the Dark Web can put you in great danger.
Deep Web is mostly used by banks, government organizations, research centers.Most of the Dark Web is used by Smugglers and Hackers.
Let us also know the answers to some frequently asked questions i.e. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs).

FAQs on the Dark Web

What is TOR?

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