How To Get 100% Google AdSense Account Approval [Full Guide 2022]

How to get 100% Google Adsense Account Approval [Full Guide 2022] What is Google Adsense and how to get Google Adsense Approval? How To Get Google AdSense Approved 2022! Do you do blogging too? You have created your own blog, but are you earning money from it? Making money from your blog is the dream of every new blogger. And for this Google Adsense is the best monetization platform. That is why in this post we are talking about - Google Adsense. It is very difficult to get Adsense approval on a new blog. About 90% of new bloggers are not able to get Adsense approval in the first place. And the main reason for this is that we are not aware of the policy of Google Adsense. And we make some such mistakes, due to which our application gets rejected.

So today we will learn about those mistakes. And here you will also know how you can get Google Adsense approval for your website or blog. We will know about some such methods or know some such terms and conditions, with the help of which you can easily get Adsense approval in your blog.

Below are some of such methods. By following this you can easily get your blog or website approved for Adsense.

How To Get 100% Google Adsense Account Approval [Full Guide 2022]

1. Use Custom Domain

If you want to get Adsense Approved for your blog in a very short time. So the first thing you have to do is that you buy a custom domain and that too should be the top domain. Like- .com, .net, .in, .co etc. You can buy this domain from Godaddy and host trusted websites like BlueHost, Resellerclub or Hostgator, etc.

Now you must be thinking that why do we need a custom domain only. That's because our website looks like a professional website with a custom domain. And it also helps in Google ranking. You can also get your website approved with the free domain But for that, you will have to wait for about 6 to 7 months.

Advantages of Custom Domain

It is easy for users to remember the name of the site. It is easy to rank the website on Google. The website looks professional and unique. AdSense approval is easy to get.

2. Write Original and High-Quality Content

The biggest mistake many new bloggers make is that they do not write high-quality and original content. And Adsense rejects their application. If you are a blogger, then you must know how to write. Or rather, you should know how to write your own content. Because it has already been said – content is the king i.e. content is king. If your website will not have original or high-quality content, then you cannot get Adsense approval.

How to Write Quality Content

Quality content means that what you write should be new and unique and not published on any other blog and original content means that it is written by you. Also, you have to write a user-friendly post with correct information. Remember that the information given by you is complete and correct.

3. Responsive Theme and Blog Design

The theme and design of your blog also play an important role in getting Adsense approved. The design of your blog should be simple and professional. Also, use the right template in the blog which is responsive and mobile-friendly.

Keep in mind that there should not be any external links in the theme or template, and customize it properly. Let us know, how to customize the theme-

  • Set up the main menu properly.
  • Do not get a 404 error on opening any link.
  • The navigation of the theme is good.
  • The theme design is simple and white background.
  • Use favicon and logo in the blog.
  • The loading speed of the blog should be fast.


4. What is The Number of Posts

Talking about the number of posts, it depends on the length of your article. Because the better and more word you write the article, your chances of getting Adsense approved will also increase. In articles with more words, you will get approval even if you write fewer posts. On the other hand, if you write short articles and articles of fewer words, then you will have to publish more posts on your blog. Only after that, you can take approval.

Take Care of Words And Posts-

As we have mentioned above content is the king. Similarly, if you try to write your content or article better, the more your chances of approval will increase.

If you write an article of more than 1000 to 1500 words on your blog. So you have to publish about 15 to 18 posts on your blog. Whereas if you write articles of 500 to 900 worlds. So there should be about 20 to 25 posts on your blog. And if you write articles of 300 to 500 words, then it is mandatory to have about 25 to 30 posts on your blog. Remember all posts should be original and unique.

5. Choose The Right Topic

Many new bloggers do not take care of the topic. He publishes many types of posts on his blog. Like one post is related to technology, while the other post is written on some other topic. By doing this, Google does not get to know about your topic or niche. And your application gets rejected. That's why first of all work on one topic or write in that subject in which you have a little knowledge and which you can write well. After that select the different categories according to you.

Make A Blog On These Topics-

  • Education
  • technology
  • health tips
  • News
  • product review

If you start your blog on the given topic, then it will be easy for you to get Adsense approval. Keep in mind that you do not have to choose such topics or topics, on which you cannot write some new content. You have to choose only such topics, on which you can write something new according to your own.

Do Not Choose Such Topics-

  • Games downloading website
  • Movies and Song Downloading Site
  • Hacking tips and tricks
  • Adult content
  • Gambling and drug abuse content

If you have any such content on your site, please delete it before sending approval. Because Google is never approved of this kind of content. It is against their policy.

6. Do Not Copy Text or Image

Remember, there should not be any copied content, images, or videos on the blog. Because Google's policy clearly states - that you cannot copy the content of any other website or use copyrighted images. Especially, do not download any image from Google and put it in your blog post because the image that Google shows is from some other website.

If you want to use images from any other website. So you have to take permission from the honor of that website and also give image credit in your post.

7. Be Mindful of The Language

You have to choose the language before creating a blog. Because Google Adsense does not support all languages. If you do blogging in India, then you have to create a blog in English, Hindi, Tamil, Bengali, and Urdu language only. You cannot create a blog in other languages ​​spoken in India like Telugu, Marathi, Malvi, Gujarati, Kannada, etc.

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8. Do Not Use Free Web Hosting

Now let's talk about hosting. If you make your blog on So you get free hosting with that. In that only you have to add a custom domain. But many new bloggers use free web hosting to make their blog on WordPress, which is not right. According to Google's policy, Google Adsense does not support free web hosting. Due to this your application will be rejected.

If you are able to buy hosting, then work on WordPress only by buying hosting for yourself from a good company. Otherwise, you can go with a blogger also.

9. Website / Domain Age

According to the guidelines of Google Adsense, your website should be about 1 to 6 months old. If you write high-quality content on your blog. And all the articles are about 1000 to 1500 words. So you can get Adsense approval within 1 month. But if you publish fewer word articles on your blog. So you have to write more posts and it will take about 4 to 6 months for you to become AdSense unique. If our opinion is to be believed, then you should write fewer posts, but write well. That is, you have to write 15 to 20 high-quality posts in 1 month so that you can get Adsense approval as soon as possible

10. Remove Other Add Networks

Many new bloggers think that they should put ads of any other ad network on their blog so that they can earn a little bit. But let us tell you that Google Adsense allows to show ads of some ad networks, and some ad networks do not support it.

That's why remove ads from other ad networks from your blog. When you are applying for Adsense.

11. Website/Blog Traffic

If Google AdSense policy is to be believed, then Google has not made any guideline for traffic yet. You can get Adsense approval even in low traffic. But even after taking Apoorva, you will not be able to earn, because there is no traffic on your site. That is why if possible, do not apply for Adsense until 50+ visitors come to your blog daily.

Where To Get Traffic

You can bring traffic to your blog from social media (Facebook, Twitter, YouTube), etc. You cannot drive traffic in an illegal way, or use paid traffic. This will get your Adsense application rejected. Keep in mind that either traffic comes from social media or Google search ie (organic) traffic should come to your blog.

12. Create Essential Pages

If the Google Adsense policy is to be followed, then it is mandatory to have important pages (About us, Contact us, Privacy policy, Disclaimer, T & C), etc. on your blog. Due to this Google thinks that your blog is a professional blog. And you are working according to Google policy. Now you must be thinking that-

What To Write On Blog Pages? Let's Know-

About Us

On this page, you have to write about yourself and your blog. Like your name, your qualification and what is your blog about, etc.

Contact Us

It is very important to have a contact us page in your blog. Because if any visitor wants to contact you, then he can do it through this page. You can make a contact us form for yourself from any website.

Privacy Policy

This page is also very important for your blog. On this page, you have to write about all those things, which the user should keep in mind. For example, do not copy your content, do not make any such comment which breaks the rule of policy, and you have the right to remove his comment. Also, if you use affiliate links on your website, then you must also write an affiliate disclosure.


Through this page, you have to tell what topic your blog is about. And what kind of information does it provide?

Some Questions Related To Google Adsense Approval FAQ:

Question: - Can I get Adsense approval on for free?

Answer:- Yes, but you have to wait for a while.

Question: - Does WordPress get approval faster than Blogger?

Answer:- It is not necessary, but yes, it becomes easy to get approval on WordPress.

Question:- Does Adsense get disapproved when you move to WordPress from Blogger?

Answer:- No

Question: - Can both blog and YouTube monetize with one Adsense account?

Answer:- Yes, you can monetize both with the same account.

What did we learn?

In this post, we learned about how to get Google Adsense Approval in 2022, by following which you can get Adsense approval on your blog. But keep in mind that you have to apply all these methods correctly.

If you do this, you will definitely get Adsense approval. Hope you have understood the given information about Adsense Approval. But even after this, if you face any problem in getting approval, then you can ask by commenting below. Also, if you liked the post, then share it too. So that other new bloggers can also get Adsense approval for their blog.

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