How To Become A Hacker 👌100% For Beginner-2022 [COMPLETE YOUR DREAM]

Nowadays hacking is becoming more and more popular in the world, the interest of people towards hacking is increasing day by day, there is a lot of curiosity about hacking in the youth, everyone wants to become a hacker, in today's time many private colleges, institutes to learn hacking. A separate course has been created for this so that students can learn hacking by studying, but many people who are learning hacking online nowadays, but in the online hacking course, many things are not taught in the beginning, due to which people are taught the basic of hacking. ) do not know about the knowledge and then when we sit to learn hacking online, then we do not have any understanding of hacking, what is the work of what is and how it works, so in today's post, we will learn to learn hacking i.e. a hacker. What are the things you need to know before becoming a hacker (How To Learn Hacking) How to start learning to hack What should be done to learn hacking in the beginning?

There are many types of hackers, there are some good hackers who do good things for hacking learn, there are some bad hackers who do bad things for hacking learning, and there are some hackers who do both good and bad things. There are many types of hacking attacks, but before learning all these things, it is very important for you to have knowledge of some important things, in the beginning, only then you can become a good hacker and can learn hacking easily. Is.

How To Become A Hacker 💯% For Beginner-2022

 1. Must Have Basic Knowledge Of Computer✅

If you want to become a hacker or learn hacking in the beginning, then it is very important for you to have the basic knowledge of computer at the beginning like how the internet runs in the computer, what is the dos command, how it works. With the different types of commands given in the Dos command, what is the registry, how to edit the registry, modify it, it is very important to have knowledge of all these things to learn hacking in the beginning?

 2. Must Have Knowledge Of Programming Language✅

To learn to hack, it is very important to have knowledge of programming language, if you do not have knowledge of programming language, then you cannot learn to hack, whatever you will be taught, you will not understand the programming language you have HTML( You can learn programming languages ​​like HTML, Scripting Language, PHP, Linux programming, C language, Perl, Ruby, so that you can go ahead and learn to hack. Will be done.

 3. Must Have Knowledge Of Linux✅

The most important thing to learn about hacking is hacking tools, the biggest weapon of a hacker is his hacking tools, without hacking tools, you cannot do any kind of hacking and your hacking tools are only Linux operating systems. You can not make hacking tools in the Windows system itself, so it is very important for you to have knowledge of Linux to learn to hack.

 4. Must Have Knowledge Of Networking✅

It is very important to have knowledge about networking in hacking, only then you can hack any network or website, without networking knowledge, you cannot learn hacking, in networking you have TCP / IP (TCP / IP), subnet (Subnet), It is very important to have knowledge of networking like Topology, Hub, IPv4, IPv6, etc. Without network knowledge, you cannot become a hacker.

 5. Must Have Database Information✅

It is very important to have knowledge of databases in hacking. To hack any website or steal its information, it is very important to have knowledge of the database. If you do not have knowledge of databases, then you cannot learn to hack into databases. Knowledge of databases like MySQL, Oracle Database is a must. Otherwise, you cannot become a good hacker.

To learn to hack and become a hacker, it is very important for you to have knowledge of all these basic things, only then you can go ahead and learn to hack. Is.

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