We Need To Know 25 Interesting Facts About Islam | Islam Is The Best

Islam is the fastest-growing religion in the world. Usually, people believe what they hear about Islam, but there are many interesting facts about Islam that many people do not know about.

Islam is a religion and the one who believes in Islam is called a Muslim, many times these two things are mixed together, so let's know about some such interesting information.

1. Islam Means Surrender And Peace

Islamic is an Arabic word that means to surrender, assimilate, peace and purity. From a religious perspective, it means that a person surrenders all his desires and desires to Allah.

2. Hajj pilgrimage

It is obligatory for every Muslim who is rich and who has wealth as per the standards set by Islam to perform Hajj once in his life. You will be surprised to know that every year more than 3 billion people from all over the world perform Hajj. depart.

3. World's second-largest religion

Islam is the world's largest religion after Christianity, with close to 2 billion followers. You will be surprised to know that Islam is the fastest-growing religion in the world. At present, there are more than 50 countries in the world where Islam is the main religion.

4. Muslims Pray 5 Times

Namaz is known as Salat and every Muslim is obliged to offer prayers five times in a fixed time period. Following are the names of the prayers.

  • prayer-fajr
  • namaz-johar
  • prayer-asr
  • namaz-maghrib
  • namaz-isha
  • Praying-Muslim

5. The Qur'an is a Heavenly Book

Like the Taurat of the Jews and the Bible of the Christians, the Qur'an is also a heavenly book. Changes have taken place in the Taurat and the Bible with time, but it is not possible to change the Quran because Allah himself has taken responsibility for its protection.

The literal meaning of the Quran is recitation or recitation. The Qur'an is the word of Allah, which was revealed through him to the last prophet, Hazrat Muhammad Sallallahu 'alaihi wa Sallam. The name of the angel who comes with him is Gabriel.

6. The Five Basic Pillars of Islam

  • Shahada: Believing in Allah
  • Namaz: Offering prayers for 5 times every day
  • Zakat: Donating money to the poor on the occasion of Sahih Nisab
  • fasting: fasting in the month of Ramadan
  • Hajj: Performing Hajj once in a lifetime on the completion of Sahih Nisab

7. Jihad Doesn't Mean War

In the Western media, Jihad has been used in the sense of war, but the real meaning of Jihad is to struggle and struggle. The word Jihad is not used anywhere in the Qur'an as a holy war.

8. There is No Change in The Qur'an

The book Taurat and Scripture (Bible), which was revealed on Moses and Isa, has undergone many changes over time and it is not present in its original condition today, but what is the old book in which there has been no change to date and it is present in the same condition As he was Alight.

9. The Islamic Calendar Started in 622 AD

In western countries, people usually start the year with zero, that is, from the time when Isha Alaihis Salam was born. The Islamic calendar starts from 622 AD which means that the 1441st year of the Islamic calendar is going on at this time.

10. Allah Means God in The Arabic language

In Arabic, Allah means God or God. This is not a new God, this is the same God whom Ibrahim believed in Alaihis Salaam, whom Moses believed as Alaihis Salam, whom Jesus believed as Alaihis Salam, that is, the only God who created the world.

11. A Man Who Oppresses Women is Not A believer in Islam

Hazrat Muhammad Sallallahu 'alaihi wasallam said "The best among you is the one who treats his wives well" Islam has given many rights to women in the right way and whosoever man oppresses women is the words of Allah and His Messenger. denies.

In many countries, men oppress women. Those who do this keep on following the old and orthodox things of their culture and Sanskrit, which have nothing to do with Islam.

12. Shia And Sunni

There are two religions that believe in Islam, which are known as Shia and Sunni. Most of the Muslim population in the world is Sunni and only 15% are Shia believers.

Both Shia and Sunni believe in the Qur'an but both of them have a different opinion about the hadith (the sayings of Muhammad are called hadith).

13. Islam is For Everyone

The biggest feature of Islam is that it can be adopted by everyone, for it does not matter what kind of complexion you are, which region you are from, or which tribe you belong to. The truth is that only 15 percent of the Muslims in the world are of the Arabic race, the rest are those who have converted to Islam.

14. Islam, Judaism, And Christianity are All Linked To Abraham

Unlike the various gods of the Hindus, the Abrahamic religion believes in one God and believes that there is only one creator of this world. These three religions (Islam, Judaism, and Christianity) are related to Hazrat Ibrahim and even those Adam and Eve were also followers of this Abrahamic religion.

15. Quran Teaches Tolerance And Brotherhood Between Muslims And Non-Muslims

Generally, people believe that Islam teaches people to kill and commit atrocities, but this has nothing to do with the truth.

The Qur'an also forbids Muslims to say anything wrong about the Gods of home Muslims. The Quran says that if you do not say bad to the Gods of Muslims, lest they inadvertently start calling your God badly.

Some More Facts About Islam

  • Indonesia has the largest population of Muslims
  • Hazrat Muhammad Sallallahu 'alaihi wasallam was sent as a prophet, he is important but he is only a prophet and he cannot be worshipped.
  • You can speak Islam only by saying la ilaha illallah Muhammad ur Rasulullah, it means that there is no one to be worshiped except Allah and Muhammad (صلى الله عليه وسلم) is his messenger.
  • Maryam, the mother of Isa Alaihis Salam, is the only woman mentioned in the Qur'an.
  • Both alcohol and pork are prohibited in Islam.

6 Pillars of Iman or Sutun

  • believe in Allah
  • believe in angels
  • believe in the heavenly book
  • believe in prophets and prophets
  • believe in doomsday
  • Have faith in destiny.

Some Islamic Interesting Facts For Kids

Allah has 99 names and each name has a special meaning
Mecca is a place where only Muslims are allowed to visit.
A mosque is a place where worship is also done.
Muslim means one who sacrifices his desires and feelings for the sake of Allah.
Hazrat Muhammad Sallallahu Alayhi wa Sallam is the last prophet, now no prophet or messenger will come to him.


Ramadan is a holy month of Islam, in this month Muslims observe fast, which is one of the five fundamental principles of Islam. Fasting is obligatory on every Muslim adult man and woman, although fasting is not allowed in a long journey, old age, pregnancy, or menstruation, its conditions have to be fulfilled.

Do Muslims Promote Terrorism?

Islam is a universal religion, it talks about every aspect of life. Islam does not allow any kind of evils or killing anyone on the basis of religion, caste, and race. Even in the Qur'an, the killing of one human being has been described as the murder of the whole of humanity. It is the duty of a Muslim to take care of his neighbor, even if his neighbor is a non-Muslim, and if that neighbor dies in trouble or in other situations, then the same neighbor Muslim will be responsible for not helping him.

Islam and Muslims do not support any kind of conspiracy or terrorist activities, even Islam clearly speaks against honor killing, feticide, and atrocities on women and strict punishment in Islam for those who do so. There is provision.

Generally, people because of ignorance or not knowing the correct teaching of Islam start to understand that Islam encourages terrorism, although Islam has nothing to do with terrorism at a distance because Islam means peace, peace, and restraint.

Islamic Terminology

If you want to know about interesting facts related to Islam, it is very important for you to know the prevailing terminology in Islam.
  • Halal = Permitted, Beneficial, Honorable, Good, Precious
  • haram = prohibited
  • Surah = Chapter in the Holy Quran
  • Allah = god
  • Qur'an = Holy Sky Book
If you know about some other interesting facts related to Islam, then tell us in the comments below.

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