What Is The Full Form & Definition Of A Computer? [2022]

In today's article, we are going to give you information about what is the full form of a computer and what is the definition of a computer. Very few people know about Computer Full Form in English and computer Definition

By the way, you will get to read many articles related to computers on our blog. With the help of which you can learn computer sitting at home. But still, there are many such computer-related questions, whose answers even the users of the computer do not know. One such question is - what is the full form of a computer?

When you ask this question to a student studying a computer subject too, he may also have trouble answering it. Because this is a common question, which people do not pay attention to. But nowadays such questions are also asked in Competitive Exams. For this reason, it is very important for you to be aware of it.

What Is The Definition Of  A Computer?

"Computer" is a short form name which is derived from the English language word "compute" which means to calculate.

If the computer is defined in the simple language then it means that - a computer is an electronic device that is used for rapid calculation.

The computer is also called by some people in the Hindi language - "sanganak". The meaning of "Computer" in English is a machine that calculates. A machine with the help of which the work of calculation is done.

For this reason, if someone asks you this question, what is a computer? So the answer is that a computer is called a "Computer"

Definition Of Computer✅

"A computer is a general-purpose electronic machine used to perform arithmetic and logical operations automatically. A computer consists of a central processing unit and some form of memory." It is used for technical and educational research. is done.

What Is The Full Form Of A Computer?

There is no official full form of computer in English. Because this word is made only from the word "Compute". For this reason, it does not have any full form. Many people describe it in their own way.

Like According To The Books Full Form Of Computer -

Commonly Operated Machine Particularly Used in Technical and Educational Research

What Is A Computer Called In Hindi?

If someone asks you this question, what is a computer called in Hindi?

The computer is called "sanganak" in Hindi. It is an electronic device whose function is to calculate.

What Is A Computer Called In English?

A computer is called an electronic device in English, which does the work of calculation. But nowadays the computer has started doing many things apart from doing calculations.

What Is The Word Computer Made Of?

"Computer" is derived from the Latin word "compute" which means to calculate.

In easy words, a computer is an electronic machine. It receives data as input and processes that data and displays it as output.

Readers, now whenever any person asks you any question related to the definition of a computer or its full form, then you should answer it with impunity. If you liked this post, then do share it on social media.

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