When Should Blogger Blog Apply For Google AdSense? [2022]

Often new English bloggers whose blog is on Blogger, a question definitely comes in their mind when should Blogger Blog apply for Google Adsense, which will increase the chances of getting Google Adsense Account Approval.

I have also been asked this question many times when should I apply for Blogger blog for Google Adsense. After all, how will a blogger know that his blogger blog is eligible to apply for Google Adsense? So I am going to answer all these questions in this post.

When Should Blogger Blog Apply For Google Adsense?✔

How To Check Whether Blogger Blog is Qualified For Applying Google Adsense or Not?✅❎

A blog created on the Blogger Platform can be applied for Adsense only if it qualifies for Adsense. If that blog does not qualify for Adsense then it cannot be applied for Adsense.

When your Blogger Blog becomes Qualified for applying Google Adsense then you can apply it to get Google Adsense Approval.
So now the question arises how will a blogger know that his blogger blog is eligible to apply for Google Adsense.

So let me now tell you about how to check whether a blogger blog is eligible to apply for Google Adsense or not.

1. First of all, go to the Blogger dashboard and select the blog that you want to apply for Google Adsense.
2. Now click on the Earning section. Now in this section, you can get to see two types of status.

First Position - Qualify To Monetize Your Blog With AdSense

If you get to see the situation as shown in the screenshot below, then it means that your Blogger Blog is not eligible to apply for Google Adsense yet. Right now you have to write more blog posts on your blog which have quality content. Apart from this, the organic traffic you get from Google on your own blog will also have to be increased.

The Earnings section will be shown in this way in the New Blogger Interface.
In the Classic Blogger Interface, the Earnings section will show like this.

If you continue to publish blog posts with quality content in your Blogger blog, then you will also start getting Organic Traffic from Google Search Engine and your blog will also be eligible to apply for Google Adsense.

If you have the status of Qualify to monetize your blog with AdSense in the Earning section of Blogger Blog, you will not be able to apply your Blogger blog for Adsense. Now you have to pay more attention to the blog.

Second Status - Getting Started Create A New AdSense Account

If you go to the Earnings section of the Blogger blog and see the situation as shown in the screenshot below, then it means that now your Blogger Blog has become Eligible to apply Google Adsense and you will also see the option of Create Adsense Account. Will come
Earnings Section of New Blogger Interface
Earnings Section in Blogger Classic Interface

By clicking on Create Adsense Account, you can apply Blogger Blog for Google Adsense by creating a Google Adsense account.

This type of situation only means that you can apply blog for Adsense. But whether or not Google Adsense will be approved on your blog depends on the content, design, and traffic of your blog.

What To Do if Blogger Blog Is Not Eligible / Qualified To Apply Google Adsense? 

If the option of Create Adsense Account is not coming after clicking on the Earnings section of your Blogger Blog, then you do not have to worry.

I am going to share with you some such tips, using which your blogger blog will be eligible to apply Adsense and the option of Create Adsense account will also start coming in the earning section of the blog.

Note: - Sometimes a blog with a subdomain may take up to 6 months to become eligible to apply Adsense. This has happened to me myself. For this reason, you must definitely add a custom domain to the blog so that the blog can be applied for Adsense soon.

The Basic Tips Are:-
  1. Add Custom Domain to Blog
  2. Publish Blog Posts with more than 30 Quality Content.
  3. Try to give complete information in blog posts. Do not write short blog posts.
  4. Keep the design of the blog clean. Use a Fast Loading Blogger Theme in Blog.
  5. Increase Traffic on Blog.
  6. Submit Blog Sitemap to Google Search Console.
By doing this your blog will also be eligible to apply for Adsense.

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I hope that from this blog post any new English blogger can easily get complete information on the topic 'When should blogger blog apply for Adsense'.

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