How To Increase Google AdSense CPC – 7 Best Ways 2022

To know how to increase Google AdSense CPC, read today's post (How to increase AdSense CPC completely because today we will also tell you about earning high revenue from Google AdSense in low traffic, which can be said in easy language. So I will tell you how to increase AdSense CPC.

Everyone knows that Google AdSense is the best Ad Network in the world and most bloggers use Google Adsense to monetize their website and even if AdSense helps us to earn high revenue.

But the problem of bloggers like us is that the CPC (Cost Per Click) of the clicks on our ads is very low, due to which we are not able to earn, if you are troubled by Low AdSense CPC then how to Google AdSense CPC are increased, know through this post.

How To Increase Google AdSense CPC – 7 Best Ways 2022

There are many bloggers who do not understand why the CPC of our website is so low and whether to do AdSense CPC increase on their site, they do not know and start making wrong strategies. Many bloggers have full traffic on their website but the CPC is so low that they are not able to earn at all. We are writing this post only to help such people and follow all the points mentioned by us properly.

1. Website Niche

If you want to earn more Google AdSense then you should choose your Website Niche very carefully because on choosing a good Niche, you are provided with a High CPC by Adsense. High CPC is available on the website topic related to Internet Marketing, Web Development, Finance, Loan, Gaming Health, etc.

2. Use High CPC keywords

In earlier times the competition was low, so AdSense used to provide high revenue to everyone, but now people do keyword research and people rank their articles on those keywords which get the highest CPC (Cost Per Click) so that they get quality traffic. Along with Google AdSense High Earning is there.

By writing SEO Friendly Article, you can rank the post on Google and the CPC of the organic traffic you will get from here will be high because the traffic that will be organic will be organic but keep one thing in mind CPC will be high only when Keyword will be high CPC. I am telling you some points which you have to work on keeping in mind-

Do keyword research before writing any post.

Also, find out the search volume of the keyword so that you can get an idea of ​​how much traffic you will get.

Use long-tail keywords so that whatever traffic you have gets organic and it is a little easier to rank on long-tail keywords.

3. Write High-Quality Content

Before writing a blog post, you have to find out what problem the user is searching for on Google, that is, you have to write the content in such a way that the user's problem can be solved.

High-quality content means that you are covering a topic, then tell all its parts through that article, do not provide half-incomplete information, by writing high-quality content, once any user will come on your side. He will get complete information and will start visiting your site always.

4. Use A Responsive Ad Unit

If traffic is coming to your website but you are getting low CPC, then somewhere you are not using Responsive Ads, Google itself tells that using Responsive ad units increased AdSense revenue. Is.

You should not use Fixed Ad Unit because by doing this our aids get corrupted in different devices due to which we are not able to earn good earning.

5. Make The Right Ads Placement

Sometimes what happens is that the traffic on our site is also good and there are clicks on our ads but still our earnings which is very less because we have not done ads placement on our site well.

Whenever you do Ads Placement, place ads on the top side of your postie as high as possible because on such ads we get good CPC of clicks and at the same time do not use more ads, by doing this our Cost Per Click is reduced.

6. Focus On Quality Traffic

No matter how good a post we write, if we bring our traffic from social media, then this traffic will not be quality traffic in the eyes of Google, and clicks are also less on such traffic, due to which we get Earning and CPC less. To bring quality traffic, you should focus on getting organic traffic by getting your article ranked on Google.

7. Convert Website To Multiniche Website

If you have already selected a Low CPC Niche and you are not getting Earning then convert this blog into Multiniche Blog and write a High CPC article gradually as soon as your posts with High CPC are more If you go, then the CPC will also increase.

Final Word

Increasing Google AdSense CPC is not a very difficult task, just I would say to you that follow all the steps mentioned in this post well and increase your Adsense CPC easily.

You keep on experimenting, like by placing ads in different places, try changing the niche of your website, by doing this your Earning will start improving. If you liked the article, then share this article and keep getting our new post information by pressing the Notification Bell.

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